Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Implant Lawyer
Zimmer Holdings, the largest producer of orthopedic devices in the United States, recently halted sales of a hip replacement implant which has been failing in unacceptably high numbers. The Durom Cup hip socket implant, introduced by Zimmer in 2006, has been implanted in over 13,000 patients across the nation. Of those, doctors say that hundreds will most likely need to undergo more expensive and painful surgery to replace the replacement.
Mr. Mendelsohn and the product liability lawyers he works with are experienced in cases involving faulty medical devices and manufacturer liability. We are prepared to help patients with defective Zimmer hip implants seek compensation for their pain, suffering, and expensive medical bills.
About the Zimmer Durom Cup Implant
Over 5% of patients implanted with the Zimmer Durom Cup hip replacement experience serious problems, according to research conducted by the company and orthopedic surgeons. In these patients, the metal hip implant fails to bond properly with the existing bone structure. Instead, the metal socket loosens and separates, grinding painfully against bone as it moves.
Although Zimmer Holdings was alerted to problems with its Durom Cup hip replacement as early as 2007, it did not launch an investigation until April 2008, and did not cease its sales of the defective device until July 2008.
Because of the company’s delay, even more unsuspecting patients were implanted with the faulty Durom Cup hip replacement. Defective hip implant lawyer Matthew Mendelsohn believes that Zimmer should be held responsible for its negligence and lack of concern for its customers.
The Cost of a Defective Zimmer Implant
If you received Zimmer Durom Cup implants, you, like other patients, probably expected them to last 15 to 20 years before needing replacement. However, hundreds of people began experiencing excruciating pain due to their implants only months after surgery. If your Zimmer Durom Cup hip replacement has failed, you may need another round of surgery to remove and replace it.
Hip replacement surgery is a lengthy and expensive procedure, costing tens of thousands of dollars. We understand that such a procedure is no small investment. We believe that the financial burden for your medical care should fall on Zimmer, the company whose negligence has caused you so much pain.
Contact a Zimmer Hip Attorney Today
With a lawsuit against Zimmer, we may be able to help you obtain compensation for your pain and suffering and other damages. To learn more about a Zimmer hip lawsuit, you should contact us immediately as the statutes of limitations restrict the time frame in which you may be able to pursue your claims. If you believe that you or a loved one has been seriously injured due to these products, and you are interested in learning more about how we can help, please contact us today.
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