Lawyers for OxyELITE Pro Defect Lawsuit
Diet supplement manufacturer USPLabs has halted distribution of the diet pill OxyELITE Pro as a result of an large number of liver failure cases alleged associated with the supplement. The Hawaii Department of Health requested the “voluntary removal” of OxyELITE Pro from Hawaii retailers, and asked the public to stop any use of the diet supplement. Hawaii DOH linked OxyELITE Pro to 24 recent cases of liver damage across the state, including one death.
A total of twenty nine cases of liver failure have been reported in Hawaii in the last six months, all of them linked to dietary supplements. The Department of Health has disclosed that at least 24 of the patients reported using OxyELITE Pro before being hospitalized. “No other supplement or medication has been identified in common among more than two patients,” Dr. Sarah Park, the state epidemiologist, said in a statement.
The FDA warned earlier this year against supplements containing dimethylamylamine (DMAA), including OxyELITE Pro, after it was linked to cases of serious illness and even deaths. However, OxyELITE Pro said in a statement that the “original version with DMAA has not been manufactured or distributed since early 2013.”
New Jersey OxyELITE Pro Lawyers
We are reviewing OxyELITE injury claims and lawsuits. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with liver failure and had previously taken OxyELITE it is important that you contact a New Jersey OxyELITE Pro Lawyer today for a free consultation. All lawsuits are being pursued under a contingency fee, which means that there are no fees unless a recovery is obtained.
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