Ford Sync®, MyFordTouch® and MyLincolnTouch® Defect Lawyers
We are pursuing a class action lawsuit regarding alleged defects in Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles with Sync®, MyFordTouch® and MyLincolnTouch® infotainment systems. These vehicles may suffer from a design defect in which the Sync®, MyFordTouch® and MyLincolnTouch® systems fail to operate as designed. Some owners and lessees may have been required to undergo costly repairs of these electronic systems or would simply not have paid the upgraded cost for such option had they be advised of the potential design defect at the time of purchase.
Our investigation reveals that Ford and its subsidiaries have not alerted consumers about the alleged Sync® defects. As a result, Ford, Lincoln & Mercury owners and lessees are forced to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to attempt repair their vehicles.
If your vehicle suffers problems with your Sync®, MyFordTouch® or MyLincolnTouch® infotainment system and you are interested in learning more about how we can help, please provide the following information:
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