Attorneys for Clearview Energy Class Action Lawsuit
Our law firm is investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Clearview Energy on behalf of its customers . Clearview Energy is a third party provider of energy (ESCO) based out of Texas, that provides services in Connecticut, Washington DC, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Texas.
Clearview represents that it offers competitive, market-based rates and can save consumers money by switching from their local utility. It has been alleged, however, that Clearview Energy rates are not actually market-based, and in some cases are significantly higher than the local utility. It is further alleged that Clearview’s energy rates are not tied to the market cost of energy.
Clearview Energy Law Firm
If you or someone you know is a Clearview Energy customer and has experienced electricity or gas rates higher than your local utility, you may be entitled to money damages. Please fill out the form below for more information:
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