In August of 2010, DePuy, a Johnson & Johnson company, announced a global hip replacement recall of two devices: the ASR Hip Resurfacing System and the ASR XL Acetabular System. Data from a recent study concerning XL Acetabular metal-on-metal hip replacement system showed that the 5 year failure rate of the product is approximately 13%, or 1 in 8 patients. It has identified component loosening, component malalignment, fracture of the bone, dislocation, infection, metal sensitivity and pain as the reasons for the failure of the hip replacement system.
Recently, it has been thought that DePuy’s other metal-on-metal implant line, the Pinnacle system (Pinnacle Acetabular Cup System), might also have significant design defects. As of now, DePuy has not issued a voluntary recall on the Pinnacle system, but there are concerns that the Pinnacle system also has an increased failure rate. In 2010, the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System received over 500 complaints from people who had experienced adverse effects from the Pinnacle system. Similar to the ASR XL Acetabular and ASR Hip Resurfacing Systems, the DePuy Pinnacle Acetabular Cup System was fast-tracked through the FDA’s medical device approval process because it was similar to already-approved devices.
While over 1,000 DePuy ASR lawsuits have been filed nationwide, there have been fewer DePuy Pinnacle lawsuits filed. However, the individuals who suffer from aseptic loosening or metallosis as a result of a Pinnacle implant are just as entitled to compensation as those with a DePuy ASR implant. Because J&J is located in New Jersey, your lawsuit can be filed in New Jersey state court where dozens of other DePuy hip lawsuits have already been filed.
If you have had a hip replacement, which used one of the recalled DePuy devices, contact a New Jersey Hip Replacement Lawyer today for a free consultation.
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