Class Action Lawsuit Regarding Hyundai’s Fraudulent Marketing Campaign
Our law firm is investigating a potential class action lawsuit related to the “Hyundai Holidays Sales Event,” which advertised that vehicle purchasers could obtain 0.9% APR and $500 cash back. However, when individuals went to authorized Hyundai dealers and sought to purchase vehicles during this sales event, perspective purchasers were advised that they could only get the 0.9% APR or $500 cash back, but not both as was widely advertised.
Our research indicates that Hyundai later changed its advertising to clarify that perspective purchasers could obtain either the low APR or the cash back, but not both. Nevertheless, Hyundai’s initial bait-and-switch tactics had already harmed many consumers.
If you purchased a Hyundai vehicle during its 2017-2017 “Hyundai Holidays Sales Event” and were not provided the 0.9% APR and $500 cash back as advertised, please provide the following information:
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