Mr. Mendelsohn and the professional lawyers at his firm are investigating potential lawsuits on behalf of women who have been injured as a result Mentor ObTape tranobturator vaginal sling, which was used to treat female stress urinary incontinence. The ObTape vaginal sling has been associated with a number of severe and debilitating injuries, including mesh erosion, vaginal extrusions, urinary tract erosions, dyspareunia and infections.
Unlike many other law firms claiming an expertise in this field, who are “collecting” cases, if we decide to take your case we will aggressively pursue it on your behalf. In fact, attorneys at the firm have been appointed as Co-Liaison Counsel by the Court to lead the action against Ethicon and Johnson & Johnson. Our lawyers have been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and other national publications regarding the ever-expanding vaginal mesh litigation.
Mentor ObTape Mesh Injuries
Lawsuits over problems with Mentor ObTape vaginal sling are being reviewed for women who experienced:
- Infection
- Erosion of the Mesh
- Urinary Problems
- Pelvic Pain
- Hardening of the Mesh
- Injury to Nearby Organs
- Difficulty or Painful Sex
Mentor ObTape Lawsuits
The ObTape vaginal sling, which was manufactured and designed by Mentor Corporation, was used in about 35,000 women between 2003 and 2006 to treat female stress urinary incontinence. The bladder sling is designed to prevent involuntary leakage that occurs where the pelvic muscles that support the bladder and urethra are weakened. This frequently happens during laughing, crying, sneezing or under exertion.
As a result of what some have called a defective design, the Mentor Ob Tape Sling can cause serious injuries including:
- Vaginal Pain
- Pelvic Pain
- Pain During Sex
- Chronic Infections
- Bleeding
A study published in the Journal of Urology in October 2006 highlighted the risk of complications associated with the ObTape sling. More than 13% of the women who received the Mentor Sling for incontinence suffered vaginal extrusions, and additional cases were reported of women who suffered chronic vaginal discharge and abscesses. Many women who received the ObTape Vaginal Sling have experienced serious problems requiring extensive surgery to remove the tape, and now suffer permanent injury which may have been prevented if a different bladder sling was used..
Mentor Ob Tape Mesh Sling Law Firm
With a lawsuit against the manufacturers of the ObTape, we may be able to compensate you for pain and suffering and other damages. To learn more about a potential pelvic mesh lawsuit, you should contact us immediately as the statutes of limitations restrict the time frame in which you may be able to pursue your claims. If you believe that you or a loved one has been seriously injured due to these products, and you are interested in learning more about how we can help, please contact us.
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