New Jersey Yaz Lawsuit Attorneys
Yaz and Yasmin Side Effects
There are various contraceptive options available today on the birth control market. Many women prefer the oral contraceptive Yaz which combines two hormones – drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol.
However, unlike the majority of the birth control pills available, Yaz has been linked to a number of side effects. Many women have alleged that the maker of Yaz failed to warn them about the side effects of Yaz putting them at risk. Deceptive Yaz commercials prompted the Food & Drug Administration to issue Bayer a warning letter for false advertising. Unfortunately, the correction came too late for many women who had believed Bayer and therefore had suffered the unexpected adverse side effects of Yaz which can include:
- Blood clots
- Heart attacks
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Liver damage
- Pulmonary embolism
- Anaphylactic shock
- Cervical cancer
- Severe migraines
- Hair loss
- Weight gain
- Increase of potassium level in the blood
- Gallbladder disease
New Jersey Yaz Lawsuits & Yasmin Claims
Yaz side effects are far too common but many women are either afraid or reluctant to file lawsuits for compensation. We offer free consultations to any woman who believes she has suffered from Yaz side effects. If appropriate we will help you file a Yaz side effects lawsuit against the manufacturer. Our competent Yaz and Yasmin lawyers will analyze your particular case and offer the most effective solutions.
New Jersey Yaz Lawyers
Thousands of women and their families have filed lawsuits against the makers of Yaz, Yasmin and the generic versions Gianvi and Ocella/Zarah respectively. A large number of these cases have been consolidated in New Jersey State Court where our attorneys have extensive experience litigating defective product cases. Unlike many of the attorneys advertising on the internet and on TV, our law firm has experienced trial lawyers who routinely prevail over some of the world’s largest corporations. We are currently accepting Yaz and Yasmin cases on behalf of women and their families who have suffered serious side effects after taking these birth control pills including stroke, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis(DVT), and gallbladder disease.
With a lawsuit against the manufacturers of Yaz, Yasmin, Gianvi, Ocella and Zarah With a lawsuit against the manufacturers of we may be able to help to compensate you for your pain and suffering and other damages. To learn more about a Yaz lawsuit, you should contact our New Jersey Yaz Lawyers immediately as the statutes of limitations restrict the time frame in which you may be able to pursue your claims. If you believe that you or a loved one has been seriously injured due to any of these drugs, and you are interested in learning more about how we can help, please contact our New Jersey Yasmin Attorneys today.
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