Class Action Lawsuit Regarding Defective Sea-Doo Watercraft
Our law firm filed a class action lawsuit related to an alleged widespread reported defect in model years 2010-2015 Sea-Doo personal watercraft (PWC). It has been reported that a plastic component in the exhaust system (called an exhaust resonator tube) can melt if the engine overheats, thereby allowing water to be pumped into the hull of the watercraft. As a result, the Sea-Doo wave-runner will sink.
On November 16, 2018, a Federal Court in Florida approved a settlement for current and former owners of these Sea-Doo watercraft who reside in Florida, New York, New Jersey and Texas. Details about the settlement and how to make a claim can be found at the settlement website.
If you are a current or former owner of a model year 2010-2015 Sea-Doo RXP, RXT, GTX, GTI, GTS, GTR, Spark, Wake personal watercraft or other Sea-Doo personal watercraft using the plastic resonator tube design, or if you are aware of a PWC sinking as a result of this issue, and you are interested in learning more about how we can help, please provide the following information:
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