New Jersey Wage and Hour Violations Lawyer
Unpaid Overtime and Other Labor Law Violations
If your employer has pressured you to work off the clock, refused to pay overtime or denied you mandatory work breaks, you and your co-workers may have grounds for a lawsuit to collect back pay and penalties. We will pursue a claim on your behalf to recover the money that rightfully earned.
To find out whether you have an employment law case, call (973) 228-0391 to arrange a free initial consultation. We represent clients in throughout New Jersey and New York.
Wage and Hour Violations
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act guarantees workers certain rights and Mr. Mendelsohn will work to ensure that workers are fairly compensated for wage and hour violations such as:
- Off-clock work (Requiring workers to perform unpaid prep work before their “official” shift, or making them clean up or perform other duties after punching out)
- “Donning and doffing” (Failing to pay workers for the additional time to put on and remove protective gear)
- Failure to pay overtime (time and a half)
- Miscalculations of pay or overtime
- Requiring workers to work through lunch breaks
- Requiring workers to punch out for paid breaks
- Refusing mandatory meal or rest breaks
Employers can be liable for each instance of a denied break or off-clock work, compensated by a full hour’s pay plus penalties. When these violations have been systematic over time, it can add up to a substantial amount of money.
New Jersey Employment Violation Attorney
Contact a New Jersey Employment Violations Lawyer today to discuss a possible wage and hour violation. Our lawyers provide a free case evaluation, including evenings or weekends by appointment. If we decide to take your case, we will pursue it on a contingency fee basis which means we do not get paid unless we recover money for you.
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