Consumer Fraud Attorney
Protecting Consumers from Fraud and Deceptive Trade Practices
When customers are treated unfairly or are deceived by a company, whether through false advertising, misleading sales techniques, false billing or other tactics, consumer fraud has occurred. It can happen in a variety of industries, but all victims of consumer fraud have the right to pursue any damages that occurred as a result of the fraud. Class action litigation allows consumers who have been deceived or defrauded by a company to take action against those responsible.
Our attorneys have successfully handled consumer fraud and other class action cases against major companies such as Volkswagen, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Honda, Audi, Energy Plus, Nissan, sanofi-aventis, Acura, BMW and others. We represent consumers across the United States and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in state and federal courts nationwide.
If you have been the victim of consumer fraud or deceptive trade practices, contact a consumer fraud lawyer today and learn more about how we may be able to help you. Call us at 973-228-0391.
Misconduct and Strategies to Defraud Consumers
Consumer fraud is a business practice that is used to mislead customers with the eventual goal of unjustly enriching the corporation. Acts of consumer fraud include, but are not limited to:
- Health care fraud
- Identity theft
- Misleading warranties
- Breach of warranty
- Internet and mail order fraud
- Insurance fraud
- Defective products
- False or misleading advertising
- Credit card fraud
- False billing or pricing
- Energy Plus Consumer Fraud Class Action
- HomeServe USA Corp. Fraudulent Solicitation Lawsuit
- Systrum Energy Rate Hike Lawsuit
- Hiko Energy Rate Hike Lawsuit
- IDT Energy Rate Hike Lawsuit
These actions can have significant consequences for consumers. Victims may find successful recourse through class action litigation, which gives individuals who have suffered injuries a way to unite and collectively seek monetary damages. Without the class action mechanism it would be impossible for consumers who suffered small amounts of damage to spend the hundreds of thousands typically necessary to prosecute a case. We can help you seek compensation through class action litigation.
Nationwide Consumer Fraud Law Firm
Mr. Mendelsohn and our consumer fraud attorneys are ready to provide the one-on-one attention you need and deserve and are ready, willing, and able to consult with you about whether you have a potentially viable class action claim.
For your free consultation with a Consumer Fraud Attorney, fill out our contact form or call us at 973-228-0391.
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