Wright Profemur® Hip System Lawsuit
If you or someone you love has received a hip implant manufactured by Wright Medical Technology, Inc., and have experienced pain that has resulted in another surgery, you might be eligible to file a Wright Profemur® Hip System Lawsuit.
Contact a hip implant lawyer to learn more about your legal rights.
About Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
Wright Medical Technology, Inc. manufactures a number of medical devices for patients, nationwide. The company manufactures several types of implants, including implants for wrists, ankles, knees and hips.
The company has been in the media recently because of alleged problems with its hip replacement implants. Lawsuits have already been filed on behalf of patients who claim their Wright Profemur® Hip Systems have failed prematurely.
A plaintiff in a recent lawsuit filed against Wright Medical Technology, Inc. claims that his hip replacement system broke during everyday use.
Wright Hip Implant Lawsuit Alleges Product Defects
The lawsuit accuses Wright Medical Technology, Inc. of a faulty design. The hip replacement system in question has a modular design, which means that the neck component can be adjusted to fit each patient’s leg length.
The problem, says the lawsuit, is that the modular design causes the neck to bend too easily. The bending can cause the system to fracture and break in only a few years after surgery, says the lawsuit. When a hip replacement system breaks, the consequences are severe. Patients will experience excruciating pain and will need debilitating revision surgery to fix the problem.
Wright Hip Implants Failure Rate
Results from a 2009 report by the Australian Orthopaedic Association shows that the Wright Profemur Z femoral stem has a high failure rate. According the report, one in every nine patients who has received a Wright hip replacement system has experienced pain and other serious problems with their implants.
The report also says that approximately 11.2 percent of all patients who have received the implant have needed revision surgery. Patients who have already filed lawsuits against Wright Medical Technology, Inc. say their implants failed during normal everyday use.
Learn More About Filing a Wright Profemur® Hip System Lawsuit
If you or someone you love has experienced problems with a hip implant system, contact our hip implant attorneys to find out if you qualify to file a lawsuit. Our hip implant attorneys are equipped to handle cases involving all types of defective hip replacement systems, not just those manufactured by Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
We are also investigating lawsuits on behalf of patients who have been harmed by defective hip implants made by DePuy Orthopaedics Inc. and Zimmer. To find out if you qualify to seek compensation for your injuries, please contact us today.
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