Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
Our law firm is litigating cases on behalf of women throughout the country who had transvaginal mesh, pelvic mesh or bladder sling products implanted and have suffered from complications, including:
- erosion of vaginal tissue
- infection
- mesh erosion
- pain
- perforations of the bowel, bladder, colon or blood vessels
- recurrence of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
- urinary problems
- vaginal scarring
- dyspareunia
On October 12, 2010, the Honorable Carol E. Higbee of the Superior Court of New Jersey Law Division, Atlantic County ruled in favor of centralized management for all filed complaints and all future complaints in the transvaginal mesh cases In re: J & J Litigation and In re: Bard Litigation. Our law firm was appointed Co-Liaison Counsel to help lead the cases against Ethicon and Johnson & Johnson
Transvaginal Mesh Complications
Since 2005, more than 1,000 patients have suffered from serious complications following the placement of a transvaginal mesh device. The transvaginal mesh is a type of medical device used to treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), conditions that may occur after childbirth and pregnancy.
Transvaginal meshes, sometimes referred to as bladder slings are implanted through surgery. According to the FDA, contributing factors to complications potentially include the patient’s health, mesh material, the size and shape of the mesh, surgical procedures and estrogen levels.
In an article published in an August 2010 issue of the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology,researchers reported that scientists had to stop a transvaginal mesh clinical trial early because women implanted with the mesh experienced too many complications. In the trial, which began in 2007, 65 women with prolapse underwent either surgery using the vaginal mesh or a procedure known as colpopexy that uses ligaments to help support the muscles. The trial was cut short in 2009 after researchers found that over 15 percent of the women implanted with the mesh suffered within a period of only three months from erosion, a potentially serious complication involving the protrusion of the mesh when the skin splits.
In October 2008, the FDA issued a public health notification alerting healthcare providers and the public about the increasing number of serious health issues associated with the transvaginal mesh. Reported complications include mesh from nine different manufacturers.
Vaginal Mesh Products
We are pursuing cases on behalf of women that have had complications after vaginal mesh surgery involving the following products:
- Gynecare Prolift
- Gynecare TVT
- Gynemesh
- Prolene MeshProsima
- Ethicon Vaginal Mesh
- Johnson & Johnson Vaginal Mesh
- Bard Avaulta
- Bard Solo
- Bard Adjust
- AMS Apogee
- AMS Perigee
- AMS Elevate
- AMS MiniArc
- AMS Precise
- AMS Monarc
- Boston Scientific Pinnacle
- Boston Scientific Advantage
- Boston Scientific Obtryx
- Boston Scientific Prefyx
- Boston Scientific Lynx
- Boston Scientific Solyx
- Cook Medical Surgisis Mesh
- Coloplast Corporation Mesh
- Mentor ObTape Mesh
Attorneys for Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits
If you or a loved one has been injured by the Gynecare Prolift, Bard Avaulta, AMS Elevate, Boston Scientific Pinnacle, or similar transvaginal mesh product, contact us today for a free consultation.
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